Tips to Boost Digestion and Avoid Gastrointestinal Problems in Winter

When you think about winter, you generally think about going home and curling up with a cup of chai. It’s the time of year when the market is flooded with a dizzying array of fresh fruits and vegetables and when sweets and heavy, spicy foods are at their peak popularity.
But this sudden shift in the degrees outside affects our bodies and causes digestive disorders. The sudden change in eating habits and body movements during the chilly winter months causes or exacerbates gastrointestinal distress or conditions.
Here are some things you can do to keep your stomach healthy this winter, so you don’t have to spend the rest of it inside and away from all the festivities.
Digestive Disorders in Winter: The Causes and Treatment options
Our fluid intake suddenly decreases in colder weather. Additionally, our digestive system might not appreciate this. Lack of water makes the intestines rigid, which makes it harder to pass food.
It is crucial to stay hydrated for easier removal and movement through the intestines.
Given this, it makes sense that the metabolism would suffer. Our body interprets prolonged exposure to cold temperatures as a cue to save energy and heat, which slows down your metabolism. This slowed metabolism also compromises our digestion.
Maintaining a healthy digestive system requires eating the correct meals. The body signals to gravitate toward nuts, seeds, grains, soups, and stews. These meals must be consumed in large quantities for better digestion throughout the winter.
Tips to improve digestion during winter
Eating warm foods ensures that dormant microorganisms are killed and do not cause infection. A balanced pinch of spices can add heat to your food and help warm the stomach, but make sure not to consume too much herb, as this could lead to indigestion and stomach ulcers.
- Take Warm Foods and Spices: Eating warm foods ensures that dormant microorganisms are killed and do not cause infection. A balanced pinch of spices can add heat to your food and help warm the stomach, but make sure not to consume too much herb, as this could lead to indigestion and stomach ulcers.
- Increase your grain Intake: Fiber-rich meals and green leafy vegetable aid with bowel movements and satiety. Roughage helps maintain weight and heart health.
Supplementing Pro-biotics: Additional Probiotics enhance digestion by supporting beneficial gut bacteria. Probiotics are found in probiotic milk, cheeses, miso, apple, etc., not just curd.
It is common for people to have differences regarding digestion and foods that suit them. You must identify those foods that trigger you and vice versa. For more gastric and digestive-related queries and issues, reach out to Dr. Vijaykumar C. Bada and book your earliest consultation.
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